
My favourite slow-cooker oats

A warm, wintry, one-pot porridge that’s waiting for you when you wake up in the morning.

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My favourite slow-cooker oats

There’s something extremely satisfying about having a warm breakfast ready and waiting for you when you wake up. On days when I have to go into the office, using the slow cooker the night before to make the next day’s breakfast (or lunch, which I pop into a thermos to take along) is also a great way to save a bit of food prep time.

The prep for this dish depends a little bit on your slow cooker. I have a medium-sized slow cooker, and when making porridge for one, I use a nifty trick to cook the apples at the same time. I bought a smaller oven-proof dish with a 600-ml capacity that slots inside my standard slow cooker insert. Any dish with the right dimensions will do, as long as there are a few centimetres of space around the perimeter. That’s just enough room for me to distribute the four pieces of a cored, quartered apple around the sides. Somehow, this way, they turn into pillowy apple puffs that go perfectly on top of the cooked porridge.

For bigger batches you can either cook the apples separately in the morning, although that does defeat the purpose of having it ready in one go, or you could chop them up and throw them into the oat mix to cook for the night as well. Bear in mind, they won’t be as flavourful that way, though.

My favourite slow-cooker oats

Serves one

  • 1/4 cup x oat groats, rinsed and drained
  • 1/2 cup x almond milk plus 1/2 cup x water (or use 1 cup x water)
  • 1/2 TBSP x ghee (or coconut oil to make it vegan)
  • A small handful of raisins
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1 x medium apple



Note: This preparation is for a single serving, using a medium-sized slow cooker with an additional oven-proof dish insert (capacity 600 ml) that leaves a few centimetres of space between both dishes. See note in introduction for explanation, and for other serving sizes and dish dimensions.

Combine the oat groats, almond milk, water, ghee, raisins and salt in the smaller oven-proof insert.

Quarter the apple and remove the core. Place the smaller oven-proof dish inside the standard slow-cooker insert. Slip the apple quarters in the gap between the dishes. Set the slow cooker to low and leave overnight.

In the morning, remove the smaller insert and stir the oats, adding more almond milk or water if necessary to reach your desired consistency. Scoop out the apples and spoon them on top. Sprinkle over the spice blend and finish with almond butter and maple syrup, if you like.

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almond apple breakfast cinnamon oats porridge raisins slow-cooker vegan vegetarian winter ayurveda
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